Cristiana Bastos – PI
Cristiana Bastos (PhD CUNY 1996) is an anthropologist whose interests combine the disciplines of anthropology, history, and the social study of science, technology and medicine. She is a core team member of the Institute of Social Sciences, University of Lisbon. She taught at the University of Lisbon, Coimbra, ISCTE, Brown, UMass, UNICAMP, UERJ, and guest lectured at Museu Nacional-UFRJ, FIOCRUZ, UFSC, UnB, Yale, Chicago, Oxford, JNU, U Eduardo Mondlane, among others. In her previous research projects, she addressed population dynamics, transnational mobility, colonial biopolitics, medicine and empire, and the social history of health and well-being, with field and archival research in Portugal, Brazil, the US, Mozambique and India. In the Colour of Labour project, she is directly involved with the fields of Guyana, Hawai‘i’i, New England and Angola. She has published extensively on her research topics, with articles in the journals Medical Anthropology, Anthropology & Medicine, History and Anthropology, Social Analysis, Bulletin of the History of Medicine, International Migration, Journal of Southern African Studies, Identities, Análise Social, Etnográfica, Horizontes Antropológicos, and a variety of edited volumes and monographs.