Bastos, Cristiana. 2021. ‘Não era covid. Eram febres‘ Publico. 16 May.
Bastos, Cristiana. 2020. “Plantation Memories, Labor Identities, and the Celebration of Heritage: the case of Hawaii Plantation Village.” Museum Worlds. Advances in Research 8: 25-45.
Bastos, Cristiana. 2018. “Portuguese in the cane: the racialization of labour in Hawaiian plantations.” Pp.65-96 in Changing Societies: Legacies and Challenges. Vol. 1. Ambiguous Inclusions: Inside Out, Inside In, ed. S. Aboim, P. Granjo, A. Ramos. Lisboa: Imprensa de Ciências Sociais.
Le Petitcorps, Colette and Amandine Desille. 2020. “‘La couleur du travail’ : une anthropologie historique de la fabrique de la race dans la plantation. Entretien avec Cristiana Bastos.” Migrations Société 182(4): 113-126.
Le Petitcorps, Colette. 2020. “Les sociétés de plantation dans l’économie globale des services domestiques. Le cas de l’île Maurice.” CIDADES, Comunidades e Territórios 40: 1-15
Macedo, Marta. 2021. “Coffee on the move: technology, labour and race in the making of a transatlantic plantation system.” Mobilities, Special Issue on Mobile Labour, 16(2): 262-272.
Conferences and seminars
Bastos, Cristiana. 2021. ‘O $abor do a$$úcar: circulações, porosidades imperiais e produção de categorias raciais‘, lecture, International conference “Des savoirs et des plantes dans le monde lusophone”, 10 May, Université Sorbonne
Bastos, Cristiana, Marta Macedo and Mari Lo Bosco. 2020. “Plantas que produzem pessoas”. European Researchers‘ Night.
Symposium “Plantations and their Afterlives: Materialities, Durabilities and Struggles” (convenors: Marta Macedo, Irene Peano, Colette Le Petitcorps). 16-18 & 24-25 September 2020, ICS-ULisboa