


Maurits S. Hassankhan, Kalpana Hiralala, Cristiana Bastos, Lomarsh Roopnarine (ed.) 2023. “Post-emancipation, indenture and migration. Identities, Racialization and Transnationalism” New Delhi: Manohar Publisher


Bastos, C. (2023). Latitudes of Indenture: Portuguese Islanders in Post-Abolition Guiana Plantations and in Hawai‘i. In Hassankhan, M. S., Hiralal, K., Bastos, C., Roopnarine, L. (Eds.), Post-Emancipation Indenture and Migration: Identities, Racialization and Transnationalism. New Delhi: Manohar. ISBN 978-81-19139-20-0. 

Miller, N. (2023). Indentured Labour and Colonial Education: A Comparative Reappraisal. In Hassankhan, M. S., Hiralal, K., Bastos, C., Roopnarine, L. (Eds.), Post-Emancipation Indenture and Migration: Identities, Racialization and Transnationalism. New Delhi: Manohar. ISBN 978-81-19139-20-0. 

Mello, M. M. (2023). Madeiran Migration to British Guyana: First Remarks. In Hassankhan, M. S., Hiralal, K., Bastos, C., Roopnarine, L. (Eds.), Post-Emancipation Indenture and Migration: Identities, Racialization and Transnationalism. New Delhi: Manohar. ISBN 978-81-19139-20-0.

Bulamah, R. (2023). Mobile Existences: Looking for Life Between Haiti and the Dominican Republic. In Hassankhan, M. S., Hiralal, K., Bastos, C., Roopnarine, L. (Eds.), Post-Emancipation Indenture and Migration: Identities, Racialization and Transnationalism. New Delhi: Manohar. ISBN 978-81-19139-20-0.


Cristiana Bastos, Bela Feldman-Bianco and Miguel Moniz. 2023. Migration, Mill Work and Portuguese Communities in New England. Dartmouth: Massachusetts University Press.


Bastos, Cristiana. 2023 “Unseen Diasporas: Portuguese Labor Migrants in Colonial Plantations” pp. 23-41 in Migrant Frontiers: Race and Mobility in the Luso-Hispanic World, ed. Anna Tybinko, Lamonte Aidoo, da Silva Niel. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press

Bastos, Cristiana. 2022 “The never-ending poxes of syphilis, AIDS, and measles” Centaurus 1.1: 1-16

Bastos, Cristiana and Ana Isabel Spranger. 2021. “Da Madeira a Demerara em 1847: fome, fuga e futuros incertosIslenha 38: 37-50

Bastos, Cristiana, André Nóvoa and Noel Salazar. 2021. “Mobile Labour: an introduction”. Mobilities, Special issue on Mobile Labour, 16(2): 155-163.

Bastos, Cristiana. 2021. “Intersections of Empire, Post-Empire, and Diaspora: De-Imperializing Lusophone Studies” [republication] in Coolitude 2, an Anthology: 31 years of sign crossing in indenture, ed. Khal Torabully and Marina Carter. Kindle Format.

Bastos, Cristiana. 2020. “Indenture-at-wide: learning from Madeiran sugar routes.” Aapravasi Ghat Trust Fund Magazine 5: 58-60

Bastos, Cristiana. 2020. “Intersections of Empire, Post-Empire, and Diaspora: De-Imperializing Lusophone Studies.” Journal of Lusophone Studies 5(2): 27-54

Bastos, Cristiana. 2020. “Plantation Memories, Labor Identities, and the Celebration of Heritage: the case of Hawaii Plantation Village.” Museum Worlds. Advances in Research 8: 25-45.

Bastos, Cristiana. 2020. “Febre a bordo: migrantes, epidemias, quarentenas.” Horizontes Antropológicos 57: 27-55.

Bastos, Cristiana. 2020. Labor, place, and the production of race. Working paper: Manifesto of “The Colour of Labour”.

Bastos, Cristiana. 2019. “Açúcar, ananases e ilhéus portugueses no Hawaii: dinâmicas de migração, etnicidade e racialização no terreno e no arquivo.” Etnográfica 23(3): 777-798

Bastos, Cristiana. 2019. “Luso-Tropicalism Debunked Again: Race, Racism and Racialism in three Portuguese-Speaking Societies.” Pp. 243-264 in Luso-Tropicalism and its discontents: The Making and Unmaking of Racial Exceptionalism. ed. Anderson, W., Roque, R., and Santos, R.V., London: Berghahn Books

Bastos, Cristiana. 2018. “Portuguese in the cane: the racialization of labour in Hawaiian plantations.” Pp.65-96 in Changing Societies: Legacies and Challenges. Vol. 1. Ambiguous Inclusions: Inside Out, Inside In, ed. S. Aboim, P. Granjo, A. Ramos. Lisboa: Imprensa de Ciências Sociais.

Bastos, Cristiana. 2018. “Migrants inequalities and social research in the 1920s: The story of Two Portuguese Communities in New England.” History and Anthropology 29(2):163-183.

Bastos, Cristiana. 2017. “Huíla (Angola)Dicionário Enciclopédico da Madeira, 2 February


Le Petitcorps, Colette. 2021. “Résistances de femmes face aux risques de subsistance à l’île Maurice. Travail, éthique et subjectivité politique de Shakti” Genre, sexualité & société 25 

Le Petitcorps, Colette and Amandine Desille. 2020. “Special issue: La colonialité du pouvoir en migration(s).” Migrations Société 182(4)

Le Petitcorps, Colette and Amandine Desille. 2020. “La colonialité du pouvoir aujourd’hui: approches par l’étude des migrations.” Migrations Société 182(4): 17-28

Le Petitcorps, Colette. 2020. “La domestication des femmes pauvres. Histoire et échec d’une entreprise colonialiste ressassée à l’Ile Maurice.” Migrations Société 182(4): 97-112

Le Petitcorps, Colette and Amandine Desille. 2020. “‘La couleur du travail’ : une anthropologie historique de la fabrique de la race dans la plantation. Entretien avec Cristiana Bastos.” Migrations Société 182(4): 113-126

Le Petitcorps, Colette. 2020. “Les sociétés de plantation dans l’économie globale des services domestiques. Le cas de l’île Maurice.”  CIDADES, Comunidades e Territórios 40: 1-15

Le Petitcorps, Colette. 2020. “Un enjeu de reproduction sociale. Le service domestique du point de vue d’employées de la côte Sud-Ouest de l’Ile Maurice.” Anthropologie et sociétés 44(3):207–226.

Le Petitcorps, Colette. 2019. “Dissidence dans le service domestique. L’économie morale de femmes, bonnes à l’île Maurice.” Politique africaine 154(2): 29-48.

Le Petitcorps, Colette. 2018. “Migrant Women in Trade Unions. Domestic Service Activism in France.” Pp.83-98 in Gender, Work and Migration. Agency in Gendered Labour Settings, ed. Megha Amrith and Nina Sahraoui. London: Routledge.

Le Petitcorps, Colette. 2018. “Le service domestique comme rapport social. Subjectivités au travail, service à domicile et migrations féminines en France.” Recherches Féministes 31(2):197-214

Le Petitcorps, Colette. 2018. “Service domestique, sexualité, race et héritages coloniaux à l’Île Maurice.” GLAD !, n°5. 


Macedo, Marta & Gago, Maria do Mar. 2021. “Agricultura e império: cacau, café e práticas ambientalistas em África” pp. 119-142. In Ciência, Tecnologia e Medicina na Construção de Portugal, Volume 4: Inovação e Contestação, ed. Ana Simões, Maria Paula Diogo, Maria Paula Diogo, Cristina Luís e M. Luísa Sousa; Lisboa: Tinta-da-China. 

Macedo, Marta. 2021. “Coffee on the move: technology, labour and race in the making of a transatlantic plantation system.” Mobilities, Special Issue on Mobile Labour, 16(2): 262-272.

Macedo, Marta. 2019. “Disrupted Ecologies: Conflicting Repertoires of Colonial Rule in Early Twentieth-Century São Tomé.” Pp. 229-250 in Resistance and Colonialism Insurgent Peoples in World History, ed. Domingos, N., Jerónimo, M. B., Roque, R., London: Palgrave Macmillan.


Miller, Nicholas B. 2020. “Crossing Seas and Labels: Hawaiian Contracts, British Passenger Vessels, and Portuguese Labor Migrants, 1878–1911“, Special issue on “OceanCrossings”, Portuguese Literary and Cultural Studies, 33: 69-94

Miller, Nicholas B. 2020. “Bittersweet Connections: The Mauritian Model in Hawai‘i. Aapravasi Ghat Trust Fund Magazine 5: 54-56

Miller, Nicholas B. 2019. “Review of Jo-Anne S. Ferreira, The Portuguese of Trinidad and Tobago: Portrait of an Ethnic Minority, Revised Edition (Kingston, Jamaica, 2018.” e-Journal of Portuguese History 17(2): 637-40.

Miller, Nicholas B. 2019. “Trading Sovereignty and Labour: The Consular Network of Nineteenth-Century Hawai‘i.The International History Review 42(2): 260-277.

Miller, Nicholas B. 2018. “The Power of the Steel-tipped Pen: Reconstructing Native Hawaiian Intellectual History.” Global Intellectual History 3: 1-3


Moniz, Miguel. 2020. “The Day of Portugal and Portuguese Heritage, Social Exclusion, and Imagined Mobilities: Legacies of Racialized Migrant Industrial Labor in Contemporary New England“, Special issue on “OceanCrossings”, Portuguese Literary and Cultural Studies, 33: 95-153


Moreira, Ricardo. 2018. “Time and politics in the scientific ice age.” Social Anthropology 26(4): 570-573.


Mello, Marcello Moura . 2020. “Kali/Mariamma Worship in Guyana: A Brief Overview.” Aapravasi Ghat Trust Fund Magazine 5: 81-83

Mello, Marcelo Moura. 2022. “Dutch spirits, East Indians, and Hindu deities in Guyana: Contests over land.American Anthropologist 1–13.


Nóvoa, André and Noel Salazar (ed.) 2021.  Special issue on Mobile Labour, Mobilities,16(2) 

Nóvoa, André (ed.) 2020. Special issue on “OceanCrossings”Portuguese Literary and Cultural Studies, 33

Nóvoa, André. 2020. “Introduction: The Sword and the Shovel“, Special issue on “OceanCrossings”, Portuguese Literary and Cultural Studies, 33: 1-9

Nóvoa, André. 2020. “Sailors & Whalers: Forerunners of Portuguese Labor Migration to North America?“, Special issue on “OceanCrossings”, Portuguese Literary and Cultural Studies, 33: 49-68

Nóvoa, André. 2020. “Uma Entrevista com António Hespanha“, Special issue on “OceanCrossings”, Portuguese Literary and Cultural Studies, 33: 199-202

Nóvoa, André. 2020. “An Interview with Cristiana Bastos“, Special issue on “OceanCrossings”, Portuguese Literary and Cultural Studies, 33: 203-206

Nóvoa, André. 2020. “Uma Entrevista com Joacine Katar Moreira“, Special issue on “OceanCrossings”, Portuguese Literary and Cultural Studies, 33: 207-210

Nóvoa, André. 2020. “An Interview with Miguel Vale de Almeida”, Special issue on “OceanCrossings”, Portuguese Literary and Cultural Studies, 33: 211-213

Nóvoa, André. 2020. “An Interview with Pedro Schacht Pereira“,  Special issue on “OceanCrossings”, Portuguese Literary and Cultural Studies, 33: 214-221


Peano, Irene. 2021. “Turbulences in the encampment archipelago: conflicting mobilities between migration, labour and their logistics in Italian agri-food enclaves.” Mobilities, Special Issue on Mobile Labour, 16(2): 212-223.

Peano, Irene. 2020. “Ways of making an otherwise human: After-ethnography with migrant labourers in Italian agro-industrial enclaves” Pp. 219-230 in Modos de Fazer=Ways of Makinged. Jorge, Vítor Oliveira, Porto: Universidade do Porto. Faculdade de Letras. CITCEM: Centro de Investigação Transdisciplinar Cultura, Espaço e Memória.

Peano, Irene. 2020. “Ethno-racialisation at the intersection of food and migration regimes: Reading processes of farm-labour substitution against the grain of migration policies in Italy (1980-present). Social Change Review 18: 78-104

Esposito Francesca, Alí Murtaza, Irene Peano & Francesco Vacchiano. 2020. “Fragmented citizenship: contemporary infrastructures of mobility containment along two migratory routes.” Citizenship Studies 24 (5): 625-641.

Peano, Irene and Nicolò Cuppini, eds. 2019 Un mondo logistico. Sguardi critici su lavoro, migrazioni, politica e globalizzazione. Milano: Ledizioni;

Peano, Irene. 2019. “Supply chain affettive tra agro-industria e migrazioni, contenimento e rifugio.” Pp.63-76 in Un mondo logistico. Sguardi critici su lavoro, migrazioni, politica e globalizzazione, ed. Peano, Irene and Nicolò Cuppini. Milano: Ledizioni

Peano, Irene. 2019. “Gender, Utopias and the Savage Slot: The Role of Anthropology in the (De)Construction of a Concept.” Ethics in Progress 10(1): 112-128.


Walsh, Sarah. 2018. “The executioner’s shadow: Coerced sterilization and the creation of ‘Latin’ eugenics in Chile.” History of Science April: 1–23.



Le Petitcorps, Colette, Marta Macedo, Irene Peano (eds.)(forthcoming) “Global plantations in the modern world: sovereignties, ecologies and afterlives”, Palgrave.

Macedo, Marta. 2023. “Displacement, work and confinement: Plantation workers in São Tomé.” in Slave Subjectivities in the Iberian World, ed. Ângela Barreto Xavier, Cristina Nogueira da Silva, Michel Cahen. Leiden: Brill 



2021 “The dark history of Hawai’i’s iconic hand gestureAtlas Obscura, 14 December

Bastos, Cristiana. 2021. ‘Não era covid. Eram febresPublico. 16 May.

Macedo, Marta. 2020. “São Tomé ‘a joia do imperio’.” Público, 6 December

Peano, Irene. 2020. “Mondragone: behind the scenes of long-announced, recurrent dramas.” dversia, 29 September

Peano, Irene. 2020. “Missing farm workers in pandemic times: Is it really “the virus’s fault”? The view from Italy.” LeftEast, 15 May

Peano, Irene. 2020. “Operai agricoli, virus e regolarizzazione. Cosa nascondono i numeri ufficiali e le proposte di sanatoria.”
La rivista Il Mulino, 5 May

Peano, Irene. 2019. “Gendering logistics: Subjectivities, biopolitics and extraction in supply chains.” Into the Black Box, 20 December

2018 “Madeira, Guiana Inglesa e Canadá. Um estudo histórico pioneiro europeu.” Milénio Stadium, nº 1402, 19-25 October

2017 “Migration and Mill Work: Portuguese Communities in Industrial New England.” International Conference at the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth Center for Portuguese Studies and Culture, 3–6 December press release & program, press coverage: New Bedford Whaling MuseumLowell National Historical Park, Massachusetts

2016 “O êxodo da Madeira.”Super interessante, nº 128: 42-25, Junho

2015 “Revisiting Donald Taft’s Two Portuguese Communities in New England.” RTP, 10 Novembro



Peano, Irene. 2020. “Radio Interview with Jean Renè Bilongo and Jara Henar on the living conditions of irregular migrant workers in Italy, Spain and Portugal.” Radio ActionAid Italia, 13 May

Bastos, Cristiana and João Sardinha. 2018. “Radio Interview with Nuno Miller.” Camões Radio & TV Toronto, 19 October

Miguel Moniz. 2017. “Migration and Mill Work: Portuguese Communities in Industrial New EnglandWJFD Radio, 3 December

Bastos, Cristiana. 2016. “Uma conversa sobre antropologia, colonialismo e o estado da investigação em Portugal.” Radio Renascença, 26 April


RELATED & RELEVANT LINKS, “The story of the International Indentured Labour Route Project and its philosophy”, 25 January 2021

FME – Fondation pour la mémoire de l’esclavage, “Entretien avec Doudou Diène. Rapporteur du Conseil d’orientation de la FME”, 14 November 2020

Ho’okuleana, “Immigration Station”, 30 April 2013