EASA2022: Transformation, Hope and the Commons | 26 July 2022

Participation at EASA conference with the Panel 148b “Transformed landscapes, uprooted commons, cultivated hopes: plantation legacies and future possibles in contemporary food systems“ Convenors: Cristiana Bastos (Universidade de Lisboa) and Seth M. Holmes (University of Southern California)Discussant: Deborah Heath (Lewis Clark College)Sessions: Tuesday 26 July, 14:15-16:00 Short Abstract: Addressing food systems, we emphasize the role of ethnography in current discussions … Continued

Summer School Plantation Europe | 27th June – 1st July 2022

The Summer School “Plantation Europe”, sponsored by The Colour of Labour (ERC AdG 695573), will take place at the Institute of Social Sciences (ICS) of the University of Lisbon, June 27th – July 1st, 2022. The program includes expert lectures, seminar discussions, guided field trips, group reports, and artistic works related to the plantation and … Continued

Bastos | Berlin “Global history colloquium” | 25 April 2022

The research colloquium offers a regular occasion to meet fellow historians and discuss current research projects in the field of Global History. Each semester, international scholars at different stages of their careers, ranging from doctoral students to senior scholars, are invited to present their work in the colloquium. The presentations are followed by a discussion … Continued

Bastos | Greater Ireland Greater Portugal | 7-9 April

PI Cristiana Bastos will participate in the conference “Greater Ireland Greater Portugal”- held at the Instituto de Historia Contemporanea – NOVA – with the paper “ALONG, ACROSS AND AGAINST EMPIRE: PORTUGUESE LABOR MIGRATION AND THE PLANTATION-FACTORY CONTINUUM” >> Download the full Programme (PDF) << Portugal and Ireland both stand on the periphery of Europe. Both were in great part defined by their relationship to the sea … Continued

Seminário ICS & COLOUR | Rodrigo Bulamah | 16 Fevereiro 2022

O Seminário do Grupo de Investigação “Identidades, Culturas e Vulnerabilidades” funciona como espaço de apresentação das pesquisas mais recentes dos membros do grupo, de investigadores visitantes no ICS-ULisboa e de convidados.  Nesta sessão (online) em colaboração com o projecto “The Colour of Labour” iremos ter o Rodrigo Bulamah, investigador associado ao projecto e investigador na … Continued

Mesa-redonda “AGRONEGÓCIO” | 24 Janeiro 2022 (online)

AGRONEGÓCIO: EXPLORAÇÃO AGRÍCOLA NO ALENTEJO, LEGADOS DA PLANTAÇÃO, MERCADOS FINANCEIROS GLOBAIS 24 Janeiro 2021 – 15h00, online shorturl.at/etOS3  Intervenientes: Cristiana Bastos, ICS-UL Maria Luísa Mendonça, CUNY Pedro Prista, ISCTE-IUL Moderadora: Catarina Barata, ICS-UL Organização: Associação Terra Batida e The Colour of Labour (ERC # 695573) Convidamos três pesquisadores a pensar sobre a questão dos usos da terra … Continued

AAA | Plant-Anthropo-Genesis | 17-21 November 2021 (online)

“Truth and Responsibility” is a call to reimagine anthropology to meet the demands of the present moment. The imperative to bear witness, take action, and be held accountable to the truths we write and circulate invites us to reflect on our responsibility in reckoning with disciplinary histories, harms, and possibilities. To whom are we giving … Continued

4S Toronto | Bastos, Macedo, Moreira | 6-9 October 2021 (online)

Society for Social Studies of Science (4S) October 6 – 9, 2021 Conference theme: Good Relations – Practices and Methods in Unequal and Uncertain Worlds Making race: the plantation world beyond abolition Authors: PI Cristiana Bastos and Marta Macedo Abstract In this paper we will discuss the processes of racialization of plantation labor in post … Continued

Ocean Crossings | Cristiana Bastos | 20 November 2021

Dear friends, Please join us and tune in to WJFD Radio FM for Contraponto, a program series sponsored by the Center for Portuguese Studies and Culture. This program features a series of interviews hosted by Irene Amaral and featuring Tagus Press personalities. Each interview will take place on the third Sunday of every month, from … Continued

Ecologias doentias | Jean Segata | 18 Novembro 2021

Esta quinta-feira, 18 Novembro 2021, a sessão do Seminário do GI “Identidades, Culturas, Vulnerabilidades” é organizado em colaboração com o projecto ERC “The Colour of Labour”. O seminário “Ecologias doentias, trabalho precário e pandemia na indústria global de carnes no sul do Brasil” ficará a cargo do antropólogo Jean Segata, professor na Universidade Federal do … Continued

Bastos | Palestra “Pandemias do passado e do presente | IV RAS | 22-24 setembro 2021 (online)

A Reunião de Antropologia da Saúde (RAS) é um evento internacional que reúne acadêmicos(as), pesquisadores(as), estudantes, profissionais de saúde e movimentos sociais. Realizada a cada dois anos, desde 2015 é promovida por grupos de pesquisa de Programas de Pós-graduação em Antropologia. PI Cristiana Bastos vai apresentar a palestra “Pandemias do passado e do presente: antropologia, … Continued