AAA | Plant-Anthropo-Genesis | 17-21 November 2021 (online)
“Truth and Responsibility” is a call to reimagine anthropology to meet the demands of the present moment. The imperative to bear witness, take action, and be held accountable to the truths we write and circulate invites us to reflect on our responsibility in reckoning with disciplinary histories, harms, and possibilities. To whom are we giving evidence and toward what ends? For whom are we writing? To whom are we accountable, and in what ways? We are thrilled to announce the theme of the 2021 AAA Annual Meeting to be held in Baltimore, MD: Truth and Responsibility.
PI Cristiana Bastos is organizing the roundtable session “Plant-Anthropo-Genesis: The Co-production of Plant-People Lifeworlds” with Sita Venkateswar, Tamar Blickstein, Maria Gago, Marta Macedo, Marcelo Mello, Lauren Nareau, Andrew Flachs, Seth Holmes