LANDSCAPES OF INDENTURE Indian Ocean Routes and Beyond | November 6, 2019 | ICS-ULisbon
The Colour of Labour presents a one-day workshop entitled “Landscapes of Indenture: Indian Ocean Routes and Beyond”. The event will be held at the ICS – ULisboa on November 6th, 2019.
Please find the program below:
“Landscapes of Indenture: Indian Ocean Routes and Beyond”
6 November 2019
Satyendra Peerthum
Aapravasi Ghat Trust Fund, Port-Louis, Mauritius – Indentured Labour Routes Project
They Came to Mauritian Shores’: A Social History of the Indentured Workers in Mauritius & the Aapravasi Ghat World Heritage Site, 1826-2019
Colette Le Petitcorps
ICS-ULisboa, ERC “The Colour of Labour”
“Lazy Creole Women”. Back to the hidden story of sexual, racial, ethnic category within domestic service relations in Mauritius
PDF available here – Free Entry
The COLOUR project also participated with a specific session in the international workshop “Imagined Pasts: Colonialism, Photography and Archives”, organized by Maria José Lobo Antunes, Inês Ponte, Filipa Lowndes Vicente at ICS-ULisboa in Lisbon, Portugal, between 4 and 5 November 2019:
Photography and Indentured Labour Session
5 November 2019
Ashutosh Kumar, Nehru Memorial Museum and Library, New Delhi, India
Photographs of Coolies: Colonialism and Visual Construction of Indentured Indians
Satyendra Peerthum, Aapravasi Ghat Trust Fund, Port Louis, Mauritius
‘Commemorating of the Making of our Indentured Labour Heritage’: A Pictorial Presentation of the Historic and Heritage Value of the Unique Indentured Immigration Archives of the Republic of Mauritius, 1826-1950′
The programme “Imagined Pasts” available here – Free Admission, but please register by filling the form.