MARIE SKLODOWSKA-CURIE WORKSHOP University of Madrid | Nicholas Miller | November 7, 2018

Nicholas Miller will be in charge of the SESSION XXV of the MARIE SKLODOWSKA-CURIE WORKSHOP (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid). The session will focus on “An Empire of Schools: US-American Imperialism and Institutional Practices”

Marie Sklodowska-Curie Workshop – developed within the framework of the TECHDEM Project, funded by the Marie Curie Action of the European Commission – is a monthly meeting of people who wish to discuss historical knowledge and its public use. The workshop is organized by the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid – Centro Cultural La Corrala, Museo de Artes y Tradiciones Populares

7 November 2018
4.45 pm – 7.15 pm

Centro Cultural La Corrala
Calle de Carlos Arniches, 3, Madrid
Aula Negra

The TECHDEM (Technology and Demogracy) project is inscribed in one of the most important debates in today’s Europe: the one addressing the role of expert knowledge in political decision-making. The citizens have been demanding efficient solutions to the wide range of problems linked to the globalisation, as well as an active participation in the related decision-making process. Governance, economy and social relations have all suffered radical transformations that should be actively assessed and shaped, rather that passively accepted or resisted.